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CO2 hit record high in 2011 – UN report

"WMO figures show levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere broke a new record last year, at 390.9 parts per million"

Category: Climate Change


All nations will suffer effects of climate change, warns World Bank

"The devastasting impact of a world warmed by 4C will be felt by all countries, but the poorest nations will be hardest hit"

Category: Climate Change


Italy floods prompt fears for future of farming

"Experts blame warming ocean and climate change for rash of storms that farmers fear risk Italian signature crops"

Category: Climate Change


Science is enforced humility

"The fundamental strength of science is that it compels its practitioners to confront their own fallibility"

Category: Big Science


Medical Scanning: Brain-damaged man 'aware' of scientists' questions

"Breakthrough could lead to improvements in treatment of brain-damaged patients who cannot move or speak"

Category: Medical Physics

Displaying results 121 to 125 out of 2977